Introduction to Judaism
Learn all about Judaism in this Judaism 101 course, covering all the basics of Jewish history, theology, practice, and belief in over 30 video lessons by
Rabbi Steven Schwarzman, CEO of Judaism Online
You'll learn everything from Shabbat and holidays to Jewish prayer, Jewish law (halakhah), how to keep kosher, introductory Hebrew reading, Jewish history, Israel, historical and modern antisemitism, Jewish texts (Bible, Mishnah, and Talmud), and more. Plus you'll hear and see videos and songs that help illustrate the lessons.
It's a comprehensive introduction to Judaism, and is based on years of teaching in-person and online. If you're a Jewish adult who wants to learn what you didn't get in or out of Hebrew school, or if you're not currently Jewish but are exploring conversion to Judaism, or if you're not Jewish, but just want to learn about Judaism, this course is for you.
Hi, I'm Rabbi Steven Schwarzman, and I'm here to teach you about the basics of Judaism. I created Judaism Online to help people learn about Judaism wherever they are, on their own (busy) schedules.
I've served synagogues in the US and Canada, and now live in Jerusalem. I was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York in 2008.
Before that, I worked as a writer and translator, including 14 years as a trainer for a leading Israeli tech company, and I've published four books.
Judaism Online is your resource for learning about Judaism with online learning, discussion in our community, and one-on-one consultations with me. Welcome!
The classes in our Introduction to Judaism course are designed for non-Jews who want to learn about Judaism and for Jews who want to learn what they didn't as kids. I really try to explain things clearly, without assuming prior knowledge, because everyone is a beginner sometimes. I want you to feel super-comfortable in learning, because that's how good learning happens.
I think you'll enjoy my Introduction to Judaism course. And you can go as fast or as slow as you like, on your own time and at your own pace, because everyone is busy these days. Welcome to Judaism Online!

A video message from Rabbi Steven Schwarzman, CEO of Judaism Online
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Introduction to Judaism Course
Get started today in this complete introductory course with over 30 video lessons by Rabbi Steven Schwarzman. The first lesson is free!
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